Revision Policy

For quiz/test OR lab reports, the following procedure must be followed:


  • When revising an assessment, you agree to the following:

    • To revise for grade improvement but more importantly, to re-learn the material so you do not make the same mistakes again in the future.

    • To copy down questions on the test for revision purpose only;

    • To revise questions by your own effort, either with or without help from others or textbook or online resources;

    • To NOT have other people do your work;

    • To NEVER distribute, take pictures or upload questions for others to see.

  • TESTS: You must come in and complete a revision for at least ONE question WITH my approval. (You will have an idea for how much detail I expect from revisions) See Sample Revision!!

  • A noticeable effort must be put into the problem you are going to revise. For each question you would like me to consider for regrading, you must complete 3 questions addressed in the point recovery form though you do not need to write it on the form. Scroll down to download the form.

  • The more you show that you understand the chemistry behind the topic based on our conversation, the more you will earn back points for the question.

  • Complete within a reasonable amount of time. (Due dates are posted on my website)

  • I MUST have the original quiz/test. (I cannot determine how many points to give you without it.)

  • Please hand in revisions in question order, and stapled together!

  • For the following, you will not be allowed to revise your quiz/test:

    • If Ms. Lee told you what you did wrong.

    • Problems left blank, answered with a question mark or words I don't know. A question you answered with NO WORK shown. (if you showed incorrect work, you may revise.)

    • Incorrect units or sigfigs.

    • Extra credit questions.

    • Past the revision due date/time.

    • The original quiz/test is NOT submitted.

    • If you are absent on the day of the revision due date. (Get the revision to me somehow - via friend, mail, drop off etc.)


  • Designated lab reports may be re-submitted for half credit.

  • You MUST submit the original lab. I cannot determine how many points to give you without it!

  • Any revisions must be done on a separate sheet of paper. Attach this to the original lab.

  • You may only revise parts that you did not get full credit on. Be clear about what you are revising. Please do NOT reprint the entire lab!!!

  • I will NOT give points back for the following:

    • Point loss due to tardiness. If you hand in the lab one day late, even with revisions, those points cannot be recovered)

    • Point loss due to lack of participation. Keep in mind that participation points count toward your classwork/lab grade.

    • Point loss because you forgot to do a portion of the lab. It is YOUR responsibility to include what is required for the lab report. This also includes portions that you did not put effort on. "I didn't know where to find the analysis questions." "I didn't know we needed to include a prediction." "I had no idea what to write here." This also includes missing units.

    • Any revisions after the given deadline. Ask when not sure via email or by person. Listen for the deadlines.